IEEE is the Technical Co-Sponsor (TCS) of the International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA 2019), an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the principles, methods and applications of situation awareness on Cyber Systems, Business Information Systems (BIS), Computer Network Defence (CND), Critical National Infrastructures (CNI), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoTs).
The aim of the CyberSA 2019 is to encourage participation and promotion of collaborative scientific, industrial and academic inter-workings among individual researchers, practitioners, members of existing associations, academia, standardisation bodies, and including government departments and agencies. The purpose is to build bridges between academia and industry, and to encourage interplay of different cultures.
CyberSA 2019 invites researchers and industry practitioners to submit papers that encompass principles, analysis, design, methods and applications. All submitted papers are independently peer-reviewed.
The conference proceedings will be submitted for consideration for publishing and listing on the following bibliographic indexes: IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, DBLP Computer Science, Scopus, CiteSeerX, Computer Science Index, EI Compendex, Academic Search Complete, CiteULike, Google Scholar & Microsoft Academic Search.
The organisers will accept registration of up to 5 IEEE UK&I Student and YP Members at 75% discounted rate, and will offer up to 20% registration discounts for all IEEE, BCS, IET & IISP members.
CyberSA 2019, in conjunction with the International Workshop on Cyber Insurance and Risk Controls (CIRC 2019), is co-located with other conferences as part of Cyber Science 2019.
The deadline for all paper submissions, that is, both full papers and extended abstracts for Poster, WIP, PoC, Research Idea and PhD Seminar presentations was 26th January 2019, but now extended to 28th February 2019.
All Industry track, Work in Progress track, Research Ideas track and PhD Seminar track will be published in the conference proceedings. Interested participants, please submit your proposal using the online submission system hosted by Easychair Conference Portal.
Full paper submission should be via Easychair Conference Portal.
The online submission process is now open!
Please prepare your paper according to the formatting guidelines (Word document/PDF template/LaTeX). Use the IEEE A4 paper type. Please note that it’ll be IEEE e-copyright, which must be completed for all accepted papers. We’ll send authors’ of accepted papers instruction on how to complete an IEEE e-copyright form.
Authors must use the online submission systems hosted by EasyChair Conference System to submit their papers. Please use/download the IEEE A4 paper template, and specify which conference your submission is to. If you don’t have an EasyChair account you will need to create one and then login in order to submit your papers. Please read the Submission Instructions before submitting your work in the system.
Both long (8 pages max., roughly 8,000 words) and short (4 pages max., roughly 4,000 words) paper submissions should be written in English and be submitted electronically via the EasyChair conference portal. Submission file formats are PDF and Microsoft Word using the IEEE A4 Paper template that can be found at the corresponding C-MRiC website. Authors wishing to present a Poster, Industry Proof of Concept (PoC), Work in Progress (WIP), Research Ideas, or PhD Seminar may submit a 2‐page extended abstract using the online submission systems hosted by EasyChair Conference System, which, if accepted, will appear in the conference proceedings.
Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford
Wolfson Building
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD
United Kingdom
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