The Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media (Cyber Science 2022) is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together academics, researchers, practitioners and participants of different and varied specialties including but not limited to technical, social, political and humanities who are interested in advancing the principles, methods and applications of cybersecurity, situation awareness and social media.
Cyber Science 2022 invites participants to submit original papers that encompass principles, concepts, analysis, design, methods and applications of cybersecurity, situational awareness and social media.
All submitted papers will be independently peer-reviewed, and accepted papers must be registered and presented at the conference.
The conference proceedings will be submitted for consideration for publishing and listing on the following bibliographic indexes:
The conference will be open to the public, so you can attend the event without presenting a paper. Registration for both authors and attendees (without presenting a paper) opens in March 2022. You are welcome!
The deadline for all paper submissions, that is, both long and short papers is 28th February 2022.
Interested participants, please submit your proposal using the online submission system hosted by Easychair Conference Portal.
Long & short paper submission should be via Easychair Conference Portal.
The online submission process is now open!
Please prepare your paper according to the formatting guidelines (Word document/PDF template/LaTeX). Use the A4 paper type. Please note that it’ll be IEEE e-copyright, which must be completed for all accepted papers. We’ll send authors’ of accepted papers instruction on how to complete an IEEE e-copyright form.
Authors must use the online submission systems hosted by EasyChair Conference System to submit their papers. If you don’t have an EasyChair account you will need to create one and then login in order to submit your papers. Please read the Submission Instructions before submitting your work in the system.
Both long (8 pages max., roughly 8,000 words) and short (4 pages max., roughly 4,000 words) paper submissions should be written in English and be submitted electronically via the EasyChair conference portal. Submission file formats are PDF and Microsoft Word using the A4 Paper template that can be found at the corresponding C-MRiC website.