Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism policy


  • Our open access journal articles undergo strict multiple-blind peer reviews.
  • All articles are subjected to at least three blind-peer reviews by the Editorial Review Board of the journal, and domain experts may be invited to review an article.
  • Final decision with regards to acceptance, revision or rejection of an article will be based on the collated and collective review feedbacks by the reviewers.
  • All submissions must be submitted electronically via online submission.


  • We are committed to peer review integrity and encourage the highest standards of ethical publishing across all journals.
  • We publish only original unpublished articles.
  • Our publication ethics encourages integrity in research and peer review process as outlined below and we prohibit any malpractices regarding publication.
  • We use a number of tools and sources to verify the originality of every submitted manuscript.
  • We promote new research and scientific applications in the field of Cyber Situation Awareness, Cyber Security and Computer science & Engineering in general.


Prohibited Authors List (PAL)

  • We use IEEE PAL to cross-check authors on the PAL list, and these authors are screened out in the peer-review process.
  • Manuscript found to have plagiarised other contributions without appropriate citations and references are reported to their institutions, and where this is unresolved and then added to the PAL